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Probation Violations

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Probation Violation Attorney in Fort Worth

Violated your Tarrant County Probation Violation? 20 Years of Legal Experience

Probation is essentially "community supervision." If you have been accused of violating the terms of your probation following a criminal conviction in Fort Worth, Texas, there are certain things that the prosecution will be looking for from you.

In order to protect your freedom and your ability to keep moving forward with your life after a conviction, you need to be able to demonstrate that you meet these qualifications and that your life is following an upward trajectory. A good Fort Worth criminal defense attorney can help you protect and shield your interests so that you are able to continue moving forward with your life after a criminal conviction.

If you have been accused of violating your probation, contact our firm today to start discussing your options. 

​​​Former Texas Police Lieutenant on Your Side

At the Law Offices of David Sloane, Attorney Sloane is familiar with what the court wants to see and how to protect your interests at this time. You should take steps to safeguard your interests by hiring the Fort Worth probation violation attorney. Regardless of how serious your situation may seem to you right now, a good lawyer can help you show the court what they need to see so that you can complete your probation successfully.

Attorney Sloane can provide this service and can protect your reputation and your freedom. Do not give up hope or assume that the case is lost without first talking to the Fort Worth probation violation lawyer. As a former Texas police lieutenant, Attorney David Sloane understands how to protect his clients effectively in Tarrant County criminal courts.

Alternatively, do not write off the violation as "no big deal." There is certainly a great deal at stake, and making sure that your interests and your freedom are protected legally should be your first priority. A Tarrant County probation violation accusation can disrupt your life and your attempt to get your reputation and freedom back after a conviction. Let the criminal defense attorney at the Law Offices of David Sloane protect you at this time and represent you during a probation revocation hearing. 

What Happens if You Violate Your Probation for the First Time?

If you violate your probation for the first time, you will be given the following:

  • A warning. If your probation officer can tell that it was a mistake and your probation may even handle this at their own discretion without reporting it.
  • You’ll be requested to appear in court. If your probation officer asks you to appear in court, you may be facing a tougher penalty or even jail time.
  • A judge will hear your case. You’ll be asked to appear in court and you’ll be granted an opportunity to plead your case
  • A judge will give you a sentence, a judge may even extend your probation.

Call Our Probation Violation Attorney for a Free Consultation!

If you were accused of violating the terms of your probation, or if you have reason to believe that you may be charged with a Tarrant County probation violation in the near future, contact the Law Offices of David Sloane as soon as possible. It is very important to protect yourself legally, and these situations can be quite complex.

With more than 20 years of legal experience, Attorney David Sloane is the lawyer you want on your side if you face a probation revocation hearing. We serve clients throughout the entire state of Texas.

Mr. Sloane is prepared to fight for your rights and interests and the continuation of the second chance you need.

Get in touch with the firm today to schedule your free case consultation as soon as possible. 

  • Falsification of Drug Test Results Reduced to Class C Non-Reporting Probation
  • Keeping a Gambling Place & Intentionally & Knowingly Operate a Game Room Charges Dismissed
  • Possession of Marijuana <2oz Unlawful Stop - Charge Dismissed
  • Possession of Marijuana <2oz Case Dismissed, Motion to Suppress Granted
  • Possession of Marijuana 5lbs to 50lbs Case Dismissed - Motion to Suppress Granted

    Testimonials From Real People

    See What Clients Have Said About Us
    • “David Sloane is hands down the best in the area. I couldn't have asked for a more knowledgeable, confident, friendly and charming person even if I tried.”

      - Jackie
    • “Best lawyer in the DFW metroplex hands down”

      - JC
    • “Mind blown.”

      - Ngeune P.
    • “David Sloane is the only person you want by your side in a courtroom!”

      - Laurie
    • “David was very diligent about my case, and the prosecution did NOT want to argue with him.”

      - Parker