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Determining the Weight of Marijuana in Possession & Cultivation Cases

marijuana plants

Marijuana for Dummies

While a lot of the information contained in this article deals with Texas law which can vary from state to state, this article is intended to assist criminal defense attorneys everywhere in establishing the actual weight of the marijuana to be used as evidence against someone who has been arrested.

It is important for a criminal defense attorney defending these cases to have a basic knowledge of how the plant is harvested and weighed. Of the states that still consider marijuana illegal most of them judge the severity of the offense by the amount of marijuana possessed, cultivated, or delivered. And most of these states limit that to what is considered a "usable amount." I know of no state that makes any distinctions as to quality.

The penalty is the same for possessing the same amount of marijuana by weight regardless of whether it's premium grade Medical or homegrown style. In terms of the strength of whole-plant cannabis in its natural form, the quality is really irrelevant. They go simply by weight. Concentrates and extracts are a whole other story in many jurisdictions including Texas. However, this article is intended to deal strictly with whole-plant cannabis.

If you are facing marijuana possession charges, schedule a case review and start building your legal defense today!

Where and how is marijuana grown?

Almost everywhere. The plant is basically a weed. Like any plant the level and quality of care it receives as it is grown directly affects the yield, strength, and quality.

  • You have outdoor grows where a lot of the conditions are controlled by nature.
  • And you have indoor grows where temperature, air, and lighting can be carefully controlled.

Indoor grows are preferred by most commercial growers, especially in climates less favorable to outdoor grows. Indoor grows are also more secure and private.

When you hear the term hydroponic (or "Hydro") that refers to a plant that has been grown with a special water root system. For a time hydroponic was thought to be always superior. However, some rather talented dirt-farmers have proven that to not necessarily be the case.

The plants start their lives by either being sprouted from seed; or started from a cutting which is commonly called a "clone." Cloning is probably the most preferred method by growers with strains they have spent years developing. However, they will still start plants from seed, particularly if they are looking for a new strain.

Some strains are preferred over others by growers because the plant will produce a higher yield. As it grows the plant develops a fibrous stalk with stems growing out to each of the leaves. Once the plant is mature in indoor grows the lighting is manipulated to trick the plant into believing the growing season is nearing an end. This will cause the plant to flower. These flowers or "buds" as they are most commonly called contain the highest concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol or "THC," the active component thought to produce a high for the user.

Cultivation or manufacturing marijuana charges carry severe penalties, schedule a ​consultation to receive legal help!

Determining the Weight and what is "Usable"

Once the plant is mature and in flower, it is harvested. The flowers or "buds" are trimmed from the plant. For the hobbyist grower with a small back room grow they will probably perform these tasks themselves. For larger commercial grow operations they will usually bring in people called "trimmers" that trim the waste leaves from the buds. These buds are of course the most desirable portion of the plant for use. What's remaining of the plant is the root ball, the fibrous stalks, the stems, and the remaining leaves which are typically called "trim."

In law enforcement assaults against grows, of course, this care is not taken. The plants are chopped down or pulled up and taken to some facility to be dried and then all of it is bagged up and sent to the lab, allegedly. And weighed by somebody that knows what they're doing, allegedly. What portion of these plants the state will consider a "usable amount" will depend largely upon the chemist or technician that processes these plants to be weighed.

While interviewing your client immediately following a raid it is very important to ask them some questions about what they had and be watchful for large disparities between their estimates and what the lab report ultimately says. Most of them, if they are experienced growers, can give you a very close estimate in what they believed the flower and leaves would weigh.

What is considered "usable" depends. All would agree on the root ball, stalks, and stems are useless for any medical or recreational purposes. For the most part, the grower wants the buds. Often the trim which contains much lower amounts of THC is salvaged for further processing to capture those more minute amounts. In Texas, these extracts or concentrates are at least arguably considered to be a felony however many believe the statute to be unconstitutionally vague. Be watchful for unexpectedly high lab weight results and prepared to motion the court to have the evidence examined by your own expert. If the state's expert was stupid enough to weigh dirt clods and stems what does that say about the qualification to even determine this plant is marijuana?

The laboratory to test your evidence in Tarrant County varies depending upon the arresting police agency. Some of the smaller agencies use the Texas Department of Public Safety's laboratories. Others use a couple of private labs in the area. Fort Worth police have their own lab.

Avoid Drug Charges and Penalties

Having strong legal representation can make all the difference when it comes to your case result. Attorney David Sloane will give your case the attention to detail it needs and treats every client as his only client. He addresses your concerns and will keep you informed every step of the way. If you are facing any drug crimes in Tarrant County, trust a Fort Worth drug attorney that will put your best interests first.

If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges, be sure to contact a Fort Worth attorney that fights for your future!

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